The MIT Center for Environmental Health Sciences, through support from the NIH-NIEHS Center Grant P30-ES002109, has awarded two basic science and one translational pilot projects with a start date of June 1, 2018 from the April 2018 pilot project call released this year.
Sequestration of Toxic Organics from UV-treated Drinking Water
This project proposes to exploit biologically derived strategies for water cleanup, also known as bioremediation, to address the limitations of physicochemical methods.
- Angela Belcher
Professor, Biological Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering
Examining Pore-Scale Biogeochemical Controls on Arsenic Speciation and Mobilization within Oxidizing, Reduced, and Sulfidic Soils and Sediments
Coupled biogeochemical-physical processes control the cycling for a myriad of soil constituents. In this pilot project, the researchers will move forward in two general research areas: 1) further development of micromodel/microfluidic devices that mimic soil conditions and facilitate in-situ measurements, and 2) use these devices to conduct basic scientific research.
- Benjamin Kocar
Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Formation of Gas-phase Toxics from the Atmospheric Oxidation of Particulate Organics
We propose exploratory laboratory studies that seek to identify and quantify the gas-phase products that evolve from organic particulate matter upon atmospheric oxidation, with a particular focus on the formation of known gas-phase air toxics.
- Jesse Kroll
Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Chemical Engineering
Lead-chelating Molecular Nanoribbons
We propose an alternative to adsorption-based filtration materials for water remediation in which we exploit chelation from the surface of supramolecular nanoribbons as a proof-of-principle technology.
- Julia Ortony
Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Investigating how Exposure to Oxidative Stress Impacts Cardiac Physiology
In this pilot study, we will employ a human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) model of cardiac development to mechanistically dissect the impact of POS on DNA repair and differentiation during cardiac lineage commitment.
- Laurie Boyer
Associate Professor, Biology and Biological Engineering
Properties of Saliva Associated with Contaminant Exposure
With this pilot project, we aim to generate a system-based understanding of how saliva properties and functions correlate with contaminant exposure.
- Katharina Ribbeck
Associate Professor, Biological Engineering