Currently Funded Projects

The MIT Center for Environmental Health Sciences, through support from the NIH-NIEHS Center Grant P30-ES002109, has awarded one basic science and two translational pilot projects with a start date of July 1, 2019 from the April 2019 pilot project call released this year.

The goal of this pilot study is to understand the modes of action of two peptidic natural products that have been implicated in mediating bacterial competition bacterial competition involving zoonotic bacteria and the microbiome.

  • Elizabeth Nolan
  • Professor, Chemistry

In this pilot study, we will determine the mutational fingerprint of AFB1 in the gDNA of the liver and cfDNA from blood in the Fisher 344 rat.

  • John M. Essigmann and Robert Croy
  • Professor and Research Scientist, Biological Engineering and Center for Environmenral Health Sciences

The pilot project seeks to develop a single-film electroactive membrane composed of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) that can be readily incorporated into exising filtration devices at scales from cm2 to m2.

  • Desiree Plata
  • Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Electrochemically-active Filters for the Destruction of N-nitrosodimethylamine;
This pilot project seeks to develop a single-film electroactive membrane composed of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) that can be readily incorporated into existing filtration devices at scales from cm2 to m2.