2014-2015 Pilot Project Recipients

The goal of this project is to investigate the uncertainties in satellite-derived-PM2.5 and the implications for estimated health risks world-wide.

  • Colette Heald
    Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

The objective of this project is to test the hypothesis that pre-conditioning cells by activating protein misfolding stress responses with small molecules prior to exposure to arsenic will reduce arsenic’s cytotoxicity.

  • Matthew Shoulders
    Assistant Professor, Chemistry

The goals of these studies are to characterize gut microbes that possess phosphorothioate (PT) modifications of their genomes and to assess the impact of PT modifications and the compositions of the gut microbiome during inflammation.

  • Peter Dedon
    Professor, Biological Engineering
  • James Fox
    Professor and Director, Biological Engineering and Division of Comparative Medicine
  • Eric Alm
    Associate Professor, Biological Engineering

The purpose of this project is to develop preliminary information on the potential of certain compounds in the environment to cause neuropathological changes in the brain.

  • Steve Tannenbaum
    Professor, Biological Engineering, Chemistry, and Toxicology
  • Eric Alm
    Associate Professor, Biological Engineering
  • Susan Erdman
    Principal Research Scientist, Division of Comparative Medicine

The broad projective of the project is to develop a new technology, based on eddy correlation, to rapidly measure benthic releases of chemicals from a large range of contaminated sediments.

  • Harold Hemond
    Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering