Genomics and Informatics Facilities Core

Contact: Dr. Stuart Levine

The Genomics and Informatics Facilities Core, led by Dr. Stuart Levine, provides CEHS researchers with access to state of the art tools, services and expertise in the areas of genomics, systems biology, bioinformatics, and BioIT. These tools provide researchers a broad spectrum of technologies to understand cell state and how environmental stresses result in perturbations of the cellular systems and human health. The core services are available either through walkup or assisted services and training is available in all areas. The Core encompasses the BioMicro Center, which is jointly supported with the departments of Biology, Biological Engineering  and the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research as well as the Center for Environmental Health Sciences; and is located in 68-316. The following technologies are available through the Genomics and Informatics Facilities Core: