The four state-of-the-art Facilities Cores provide Center members with the technologies, expertise and services that are not available from other sources at MIT. The following Facilities Cores reflect the new research directions of the Center:
Director: Prof. James Fox
The Animal Models Facilities Core, directed by Professor James Fox of the Division of Comparative Medicine and the Department of Biological Engineering, provides Center members with the latest technology for the application of animal models to environmental health research. Center members are provided with an extensive array of services related to animal models and pathology.
The objective of the Animal Models Facilities Core is to provide Center members with state-of-the-art pathology and imaging support, transgenic resources and a centrally-manged AAALAC-approved animal holding and surgical facility. The Core is staffed with experienced personnel and is equipped with essential equipment to generate genetically engineered mice, cryopreserve sperm and embryos, rederive imported mice by embryo derivation, provide colony management, prepare and interpret tissue samples by histological and image analysis. Read More
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Bioimaging and Chemical Analysis Facilities Core
Dr. Bogdan Fedeles and Dr. Michael DeMott
This Facilities Core is overseen by Drs. Bogdan Fedeles and Michael DeMott. The Bioimaging and Chemical Analysis Facilities Core is a central resource in analytical chemistry, separation science, metabolomics, and proteomics for Center members, and provides research participants with analytical expertise, training, and access to state-of-the-art instrumentation. This Facilities Core is home to a world-class chromatography and mass spectrometry facility, and provides CEHS members with state-of-the-art chemical molecular separation, identification, and quantification capabilities, along with consultation for training, experimental design, and data interpretation. The mass spectrometry laboratory is located in Building 16 (room 720). The imaging laboratory is located in Building 16 (room 725). Read More
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Genomics and Informatics Facilities Core
Director: Dr. Stuart Levine
The Genomics and Informatics Facilities Core, led by Dr. Stuart Levine, provides CEHS researchers with access to state of the art tools, services and expertise in the areas of genomics, systems biology, bioinformatics, and BioIT. These tools provide researchers a broad spectrum of technologies to understand cell state and how environmental stresses result in perturbations of the cellular systems and human health. The core services are available either through walkup or assisted services and training is available in all areas. Read More
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Integrative Health Sciences Facilities Core
Co-Directors: Prof. Michael Yaffe and Prof. James Fox
The CEHS research portfolio extends from basic studies of the physics and chemistry of our environment, to clinical studies of how exposure impacts human health and, then ultimately to policy recommendations that protect and improve public health and welfare. The Integrative Health Sciences Facilities Core (IHSFC) enhances the impact of laboratory research by lowering the barriers to clinical translation of basic studies into new clinical practice. In doing so, the IHSFC amplifies the impact of the CEHS by helping to deliver our science and engineering advances to help people. The strength of the IHSFC lays in its leadership, which is comprised of basic researchers, leaders in technology development, animal researchers, clinicians, and an epidemiologist. While a great strength of the IHSFC is its clinical connection and support, it is important to note that the IHSFC facilitates translations at all levels from the most basic research, to animal and human studies and ultimately to work that impacts policy. Read More
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